Our Team
Board of Directors
NCCT is run by an all-volunteer Board of Directors that oversees our operations and makes decisions about the organization as well as our productions. Elections to the Board take place at our Annual Meeting in August (exact date will be publicized on the website and sent in our email newsletter). Any Member of the organization is eligible to run for the board and vote in the election. (“Members” are any person or entity that has donated $25+ OR anyone who has participated in an NCCT production (cast, crew, production team, orchestra, members of the board of directors) in the past season year (September to August))
If you are interested in joining the board of directors, contact any current member of the board before that meeting, or email info@ncct.org, to have your name added to the ballot. We encourage you to have a voice in deciding NCCT’s future.
The NCCT Board meets on the second Monday of the month from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
Teen Governance Group
The Teen Governance Group (Teen Board) consists of 12 teens, elected by their peers, who work with a group of adult Teen Advisors during the spring to select the show for the following winter. In addition, they organize fundraising events, serve as mentors for the cast and crew, and work with the Production Staff to keep things running smoothly. Once elected (as freshmen and sophomores) they remain on the TGG until they graduate and provide consistent leadership to our teen program. The teen board co-presidents also serve on the Board of Directors.
Teen Advisors
NCCT has 5 Teen Advisors, two of whom must be at every rehearsal, fundraiser or meeting of the Teen Governance Group. They are adult volunteers who are hired by the TGG to spend the entire year with our program. Some are parents, some are NCCT Board members and some are adults who enjoy working with teens putting on a show. On one level, their role is to help chaperone rehearsals and fundraisers so that the Production Staff can focus on the work and not worry about discipline. On another level, they provide a consistent set of adults the teens can go to with questions, concerns or problems that may or may not fall within the role of the Production Staff.