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Auditions: Hello Dolly!

The word "Auditions" in front of a red curtain and microphone

Audition Registration now CLOSED.

Basic Information:

Auditions will be held January 4th at the Lebanon Opera House. Auditioners should expect to be at the theater all day. (Parents/family members: Audition day is just for auditioners. You should plan to drop off and pick up auditioners, and not plan to stay.)

  1. Check-in: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - Please read ALL the information below and register using the link at the bottom of the page. No on-site registration. 

  2. Optional audition workshop: 9:45 - 10:45am

  3. Auditions begin at 11:00 am

  4. Callbacks will be held that afternoon and should be done around 6:30pm

Rehearsal schedule: Please use this to determine if you’ll be able to participate:

For a general overview of auditions and our program, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions about our Teen Program page.

Detailed Audition Information and Registration:

Please read before registering or coming to auditions


A primary goal of the NCCT Teen Program is to foster arts education. Auditions are an important part of the theatrical process. They are an opportunity for the directors to find actors who fit specific qualities based on the needs and characteristics of the roles of a particular show. Casting is based solely on these auditions, and all auditioners are eligible for any role. All roles have value and are important to the show. As much as we would like to cast everyone, due to the number of auditioners, Lebanon Opera House (LOH) restrictions, and other constraints that may not be possible.


Auditions will be held at The Lebanon Opera House. Please enter through the stage door closest to the Mascoma Bank drive thru. Please be prepared to change from street shoes to your dance or other indoor shoes at that point, especially if it is snowy or wet.

Check-in is from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. There is an optional audition workshop at 9:45am which we encourage teens new to the program to attend. We will have an accompanist for you; a capella auditions are strongly discouraged.

  • Check-in: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - On-line registration is required. On-site registration will NOT be available.

  • Optional audition workshop: 9:45 - 10:45am

  • Auditions begin at 11:00 am and run in the following order: Dance, Vocals, then Callbacks after a brief break.

  • Callbacks will be held that afternoon and should be done around 6:30pm

Rehearsal Conflicts

Being part of a show is exciting but is also a very large commitment. Before committing to the show, please make sure your schedule allows you to participate as fully as possible. Your availability to attend rehearsals affects what scenes and numbers we schedule each week and any unexpected conflicts affect not just you but the entire cast. When registering, please select ALL rehearsal dates where you have a scheduling conflict. There is a box where you can explain the conflict. Be sure to check your school AND family calendars as conflicts reported after auditions could result in the production staff recasting your role. (Please make a note for yourself about the conflicts you list as they will not be included in your confirmation email). Please note: If you need to miss more than 2 evening rehearsals and a Saturday rehearsal there is a very strong possibility that you will not be cast in a lead role.  

There will be both a dance audition and a singing audition.

Dance Auditions

For the dance auditions, please wear comfortable clothing. Please have dance shoes (character shoes/jazz flats) or clean sneakers if you do not have dance shoes. There will be time to change between the dance audition and the singing auditions if you would like to switch from dance clothes to vocal performance wear.

Vocal Auditions

Please be prepared to sing a song from a classic, golden age musical that best shows your range and personality. Consider this portion of the audition an opportunity to showcase your acting as well. We suggest choosing a song in a similar style to the show. The length of your selection should be 32 bars (usually about one verse and one chorus). (If you choose to sing something longer, the creative team may ask you to stop before finishing. This does not mean you won’t get a callback; it simply means they have heard what they need.) We will have an accompanist available to you. You must bring your own sheet music (See “Other Information” below for sheet music suggestions). Please do not audition a cappella.

Bring a water bottle and snacks/lunch.


For callbacks, scripts for readings and sheet music will be provided. You will be asked to read parts from the script. We are providing sides (short pieces of the script) below so you may familiarize yourself with the parts you may be asked to read.

In addition to reading various parts, you may be asked to sing parts of songs from the show. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following songs as sections will be sung during callbacks. Note: Due to the number of callback songs, it may not be possible for them all to be taught before you are asked to sing them.

  • Dolly - I Put My Hand In 

  • Horace - It Takes a Woman 

  • Cornelius/Barnaby - Put on Your Sunday Clothes 

  • Ms. Malloy - Ribbons Down My Back 

  • Minnie - Elegance 


First rehearsal and read through (FULL CAST) will be SUNDAY, January 12th, 1pm – 7pm at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Mandatory parent meeting at 1pm). Rehearsals will be Tuesday and Thursday nights at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in White River Junction (6 – 8pm) and Saturdays from 12 – 6pm at the Greater Hartford United Church of Christ.

Not everyone will be called to every hour of rehearsal but you should clear your schedule to be available.

ALL CAST is expected to be at full day (12 - 9pm) rehearsals at the Lebanon Opera House during February break (2/16/24 – 2/23/24) and every rehearsal thereafter. Performances will be February 28, March 1 and 2, 2025.

Other Information

  • Cast members will be asked to pay a $25 materials fee (due at the first rehearsal, 1/12) to help cover the cost of the production.

  • This is the only audition date. If you absolutely cannot make it, we won’t be able to cast you as a lead, but there may still be a chance for you to be in the ensemble. Please email our Production Manager Amye Mason at

  • Sheet Music: A good place to find audition music is You can choose your song, choose a key that works for your voice, download the sheet music for the pianist, and even listen to your song to get comfortable with the arrangement. This last part is important as sheet music does not necessarily match the cast recording you’ve been singing along to.

More FAQs are answered here.

If you do NOT receive a confirmation email about your registration your registration did not go through. Please try again.

Questions? Email

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