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A Musical Celebration of NCCT Teens (T)

Production Staff

Director: Lanni Luce West

Choreographer: Susan Lamontagne

Music Director: Jane Woods

Production Manager: Amye Mason

Sound Design: Seth Stoddard

Stage Manager: Alecia Roy

Co-Accompanist: Da-Shih Hu


Isabelle Ackerman, Mia Caccavaro, Zach Carter, Liam Clark, Lee Densmore, Sarah DeSchamp, Katie Genzer, Matt Jachim-Gallagher, Eddie Jeon, Lilly Kendall-Bergstresser, Johnny Lang, Danny Mello, Emily Nadeau, Ember Pikramenos, Lily Polijacik, Eva Roux, Ben Rushton, Lily Sylvestre, Sara White


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